Their story begins with the historic firm Emporio San Firenze, founded by Bruno Ciani in 1939, and have been perpetuating the Ciani family tradition of wrought iron ever since.

Through their expertise and passion for manufacturing and processing wrought iron and metals, their mission is to cultivate a bond between the traditional Florentine craftsmanship and the search for a contemporary design in order to develop unique and top-quality creations – all made in Italy.

Shop our range of luxury wrought iron outdoor furniture, lighting & accessories from Officina Ciani. We also have access to their entire catalogue, and so if you can't find exactly what you're looking for please get in touch!


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Showing 2 of 2 products
  • Luxury Modern Forged Metal Garden Sunlounger
    Officina Ciani
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    This high-end sunlounger was expertly crafted in Italy using top-quality materials. Resistant to harsh weather elemen...
  • Handmade U-Shaped Metal Garden Sofa
    Officina Ciani
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    This handcrafted U-shaped metal sofa was expertly designed and manufactured in Italy, using top-quality materials. It...