It is more important than ever right now to be environmentally mindful. From noticing where products come from and what materials they use, to making personal changes to our day-to-day lives. Combatting climate change has infiltrated all aspects of life, garden design included!
So how can we make our gardens more sustainable? Here’s some tips and tricks to help you choose what furniture and lighting to purchase, as well as what plants and design features to think about.
Here at Luxterior, we believe the most important part of designing an outdoor space is of course deciding on furniture and lighting! But it is important to take into consideration how sustainable your furniture and lighting is during this process. Furniture crafted from flimsy materials such as cheap plastic means items are more likely to be sent to landfill and replaced more often. It's important to invest in quality items crafted from strong, durable materials which will withstand harsh weather conditions and last you longer. Keep an eye out for quality materials like hardwood and metal which are both durable and easily recyclable.
Here's one of our most popular teak dining tables...
When shopping for synthetic rattan furniture, it is important to invest in quality items which will protect against UV rays and last you longer. Cheaper rattan is prone to breakages and requires replacing more often.
Some of our quality rattan furniture pieces...
Luxury Rattan Lounging Set
Along with keeping an eye out for specific materials, it is important to watch out for where your furniture and lighting comes from. The air miles your products travel contribute seriously to carbon emissions. Buying products manufactured in Europe or the UK is much more eco-friendly than buying products from further a field.
When thinking about your exterior lighting, why not opt for LED lighting choices? LED lights not only use less energy, but they also last longer. Motion sensor, timed or solar powered lighting is also a great choice for those seeking more eco-friendly lighting. Its important to also be mindful of what materials your outdoor lights are crafted from. For example, why not opt for products made from recycled materials or cement-based / clay products. Cement-based materials are non-toxic and eco-friendly, they also look great.
We love these concrete multi-purpose stools, which double up as floor lights!
- Introducing water into your garden to encourage wildlife
- Planting wildflowers (especially blue / purple flowers) or herb bushes like lavender, rosemary and thyme to encourage bees. Having home grown herbs right outside may also come in handy when cooking!
-Using natural pesticides rather than strong, chemical ones.
-Growing your own vegetables to reduce your overall ‘food miles’
Adopting a few of these tips and tricks will make your outdoor space more eco-friendly. Small changes can make a big difference! Here at Luxterior we are mindful of where our products are sourced from and what materials they consist of - take a look at our full collection of quality furniture and lighting sourced from the heart of Europe!